Red Velvet Brownies with Chocolate Swirls

I was contemplating making brownies, but they ha to be something different. While browsing around, I cam across the concept of red velvet brownies. Having made red velvet cupcakes before, I knew I had to give these a try. So, after a lot of reading and understanding the measurements, I finally created this recipe.

Make 12 pieces of 2”X2”


1 cup flour

2 tbsp cocoa powder

1/2 cup softened butter (100 gms)

3/4 cup + 2 tbsp powdered sugar

¼ cup roasted walnuts, cut into small pieces

2 eggs

1 tsp vinegar

½ tsp vanilla

15-20 drops red gel color

50 gms dark/milk chocolate

50 gms white chocolate



Melt the butter and let it cool. Add powdered sugar to this and beat well with an electric beater.

Add eggs, vinegar and vanilla. Beat well again till the mixture is light and fluffy.

Add walnuts, sieved flour and cocoa powder and incorporate well with spatula.

Add red color (try to use gel color) till you get a nice fuchsia pink color batter.

Mix well.

Pour this batter in tray (8"X8”) lined with parchment paper.

Melt the chocolates separately. Add 1 spoon at a time on the top of the batter and make swirl designs.

Bake in preheated oven at 180 till the sides are done. This should take about 20-25 mins.

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