Malai Cake


A simple yet rich and delicious dessert that can be made in a very short span of time.


1 Vanilla Sponge cake. Recipe here.

1 lite milk.

7 tbsp sugar

1 cup cream. You can use home malai as well.

1 tsp cardamom powder

5 tbsp cornflour 

Few strands of saffron

Few drops of yellow color – optional

15-20 almonds, chopped

15-20 pistachios, chopped


Remove ½ cup milk from 1 liter and keep aside. Heat the remaining milk in a thick bottomed vessel. Add the sugar and continue heating till the sugar dissolves. Add saffron and cardamom powder and mix well.

Dissolve the cornflour in the ½ cup milk and stir until no lumps. Add the corn flour slurry to the above milk and mix well. Continue stirring till the mixture thickens. Add few drops of food color.

Let it cool for a few minutes.

In the meantime line a tray with square pieces of cake. Poke it with a fork so that the mixture can seep in. Pour half the mixture over this. Add some chopped nuts over this.

Now add a second layer of cake over this mixture. Add the remaining mixture over this. Garnish with the remaining nuts.

Refrigerate for minimum 3-4 hours before serving.

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