Chettinad Chicken

A lovely south indian chicken dish to be enjoyed and relished. 

Serves 4-5




500 gms chicken, cleaned and with bones

2 medium onions, chopped and fried

3 medium tomatoes, chopped finely

2 tsp ginger garlic paste

1 inch chopped ginger

4-5 garlic cloves, chopped finely

2 tsp haldi powder

1 tsp red chilli powder

2 tsp dhana seeds

8-10 pepper corns

1 tsp saunf

1 tsp shah jeeru

2 inch stick cinnamon

2 bay leaves

10 red chillies

3 lavang

3 cardamom

1 star anise

4-5 stoneflower

5 tsp desiccated coconut

15-20 curry leaves

3 tbsp ghee





Marinate the chicken with haldi powder and red chilli powder.


Dry roast dhana seeds, pepper corns, jeeru, saunf, cinnamon, bay leaf, red chilli, lavang, cardamom, star anise, stoneflower along. Then add coconut.


Grind this a paste by adding litte water. This makes your Chettinad paste.


Heat ghee. Fry onions, add curry leaves and chopped tomatoes. Add chopped garlic and chopped ginger.

Add the salt and marinated chicken and cook till half done. Then add the above Chettinad paste and cook till chicken is done.


Serve hot.

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