Parsi Machi Na Rus Chawal (Fish Rus Chawal)

This is delicious and extremely easy to make, especially for fish lovers.

Serves 4-5 people

5-6 pieces for any fish or your choice (thoroughly washed. I usually use surmai or ramas)
4-5 chopped garlic
2 medium onions, finely chopped and golden fried.
3-4 tomatoes
10-12 curry leaves
2-3 slit green chilies
1 tsp haldi
2 tsp red chilli powder
2 tsp dhana jeeru powder
2-3 pieces of kokum
Coriander for garnish.

Heat oil in a vessel. Add chopped garlic to this and fry little till golden brown. Now add green chilies and curry leaves.

In a mixer, grin the fried onions and tomatoes. (You can also add onions along with the garlic and add tomatoes later. I usually grind the onions and tomatoes so that it becomes a smooth paste).

Cook on slow flame till tomatoes are done (it should take about 15-20 mins).

Add salt, haldi, chilli powder and dhana jeeru powder tot this and mix well for 2-3 minutes.

Add water to get the required consistency. Now let it come to a boil. (You can also add 2-3 pieces of kokum for sour taste)

Lower the flame and gently add the fish to the rus. Let it cook till fish turns white (depending upon the type of fish you will have to keep it on low flame. Surmai/Ravas will usually take about 5-10 mins. The best way to determine if the fish is cooked is to poke a fork in the fish. If it comes out clean and easily, the fish is done.)

Garnish with chopped coriander and serve with plain white rice.

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