Parsi Fish Rus Chawal

MIL and I were wondering a simple dish for lunch involving fish. We didn’t want the usual saas or curry So we settled on a simple way to eat fish in gravy apart from the usual coconut curry.
This is extremely easy and very easy to cook.

Serves 4-5 people

5-6 pieces of fish of your choice, mari nated with haldi and red chilli powder for about 1-2 hours. You can use surmai, ravas etc.
2 medium tomatoes
2 medium onions, chopped and fried
1 tsp jeera
4-5 galic cloves
4-5 green garlic cloves, optional
2-3 spring onions with green leaves
8-10 curry leaves
3-4 tbsp chopped kothmir
1 tsp haldi
1 tsp red chilli powder
1 tsp dhana jeeru powder
1 tsp curry powder, optional
1 tsp fish masala powder, optional
2-3 tbsp oil
2 tbsp rice flour or maida slurry


Heat oil. Add jeera and garlic and fry well.

Grind the tomatoes, onions, curry leaves to a fine mixture.

Add this to the jeera-garlic and cook the tomatoes well.

Once the paste is cooked, add the salt and dry masala’s and cook well.

Add little water to make gravy. Add chopped kohthmir

Once it starts boiling, add the sluirry and let it cook well.

You can also add some kokum for extra tanginess or just squeeze lemon jiuce while serving

Now add the marinated fish and let it simmer till the fish is done.

Serve hot with rice

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