Mango Custard

Summer’s here and so are mangoes. I wanted to make something different rather than the normal aam ras. So tried my hand at this delicious yet simple Mango custard. Do try it out!!!

Serves 4-5

3 large magoes, cut and pureed (do not add sugar)
½ litre milk.
3 tbsp custard powder (either plain or vanilla flavored only).
3 tbsp sugar.


Remove around 4-5 tbps milk from the ½ litre and add 3 tbsp custard powder to room temperature milk.

Now heat the remaining milk. When it comes to a boil, add the custard powder and milk concoction along with sugar.

Keep stirring till the sugar dissolves and the milk thickens.

Let it cool for about 10 mins and then add the pureed mangoes.

Pour into service bowls and chill for about 3-4 hours.

Serve with chopped mangoes.

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