Custard & Jelly

This is a very famous parsi sweet dish. It had been along time since we had it and since the weather is getting hotter by the day, we decided to make this simple and cool dish.

Serves 4-5

1 packet water based jelly (Please use preferably Raspberry or strawberry. Any other flavor will not taste as good these two with the combination of custard. I used BlueBird)
½ litre milk.
3 tbsp custard powder (either plain or vanilla flavored only).
3 tbsp sugar.


Cook the jelly as per the instructions on the packet and pour into serving bowls and let it set.

Once the jelly is firmly set, make the custard.

Remove around 4-5 tbps milk from the ½ litre and add 3 tbsp custard powder to room temperature milk.

Now heat the remaining milk. When it comes to a boil, add the custard powder and milk concoction along with sugar.

Keep stirring till the sugar dissolves and the milk thickens.

Now pour this over the firmly set jelly in the bowls itself.

Refrigerate for about 3-4 hours before serving.

Serve chilled.

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