Chicken Fricas

This happens to be one of the favorite dishes of my husband. He distinctly remembers how his grandmother would prepare it. I tried the same way and it turned to be near-to-perfect, just the way he likes it.
So here it is.

Serves 4-5 people

500 gms chicken, preferably boneless
3 boiled eggs
1 tbsp ginger garlic paste
3 tsp pepper
2 tsp cornflour
1 cup milk, room temperature
¼ cup shredded cheese
4 tbsp oil


Marinate the chicken with salt and ginger garlic paste and keep aside for 3-4 hours, preferable overnight.

Heat 2 tbsp oil in vessel and add the marinated chicken to this. Cook till chicken is tender. Cool, remove the chicken stock aside and shred it.

Heat remaining oil, add cornflour and mix well. Add milk and cook till it thickens. Add the cheese and cook well till cheese melts.

Add the chicken stock and make thick gravy. Add pepper, salt and shredded chicken and mix well. It should have thick consistency.

Garnish with boiled eggs and server hot with garlic bread.

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