Cashew White Paneer

Hi guys, this is a very simple and easy to cook  delicious recipe for vegetarians.

Serves: 4-5 people

500 gms paneer, cut into cubes and fried (if you fry in hot oil in a non-stick cookware, they won’t stick to the vessel)
2 chopped onions, fried.
10-12 cashews
15-20 peanuts
5-6 cloves
8-10 crushed pepper corns
2 tsp till seeds
1/2 tsp khus khus seeds
2 chilies, chopped
2 tsp ginger garlic paste
2 tsp red chilly + garlic paste
Coriander for garnishing
Salt, as per taste


Grind khus khus and till seeds to fine powder.

Add cashew and peanuts and grind together again.

Add fried onions and grind together to make paste.

Now heat little oil and add this paste, chopped chilies, cloves and pepper to the oil and cook well for about 15-20 minutes.

If you feel that the paste is sticking to the bottom of the vessel, add little water and keep stirring.

Once you have the consistency required, add the paneer and let it cook in the gravy for about 5-10 minutes. Add salt.

Garnish with chopped coriander and serve hot.


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