Baked Veggies in White Cheese Sauce

Hi guys, this recipe is for those people who don’t like veggies. But as we all know that veggies are good for your health, here’s an easy and delicious recipe which will want to make you eat more veggies. This simple and delicious recipe is by my MIL.

Baked Cauliflower
Serves 4-5 people

1 medium cauliflower
2 carrots
1 capsicum
150 gms french beans
1 cup green peas
1 1/2 cups grated cheddar cheese (you can add mozarella cheese if you like it be stretchy)
2-3 tsp cornflour
8-10 crushed pepper corns
2 tbsp oil/ghee
3-4 tbsp oregano/pizza seasoning
1 cup boiled milk
salt to taste


Make small florets of cauliflower. Chop the carrots and french beans finely.

Boil cauliflower, carrots, and french beans in cooker for 1 whistle and keep on low flame for 10 minutes.

In a vessel, add 2 tbsp oil/ghee and add cornflour to this.

Add milk to this and keep stirring till the mixture becomes thick. Add 1/2 cup grated cheese to this and keep stirring till cheese melts.

Now add the boiled veggies, peas, oregano/pizza seasoning, salt and pepper to this and cook well for about 5-10 minutes.

Grease a baking dish with butter/oil and pour this in the dish. Add 1 cup grated cheese on the top as covering.

Bake it in OTG or microwave for about 20-25 mins till cheese becomes brown and the mixture is semi-solid.

Serve hot.

NOTE: If you want to make this a non vegetarian dish, you can add boiled chicken or sausages or ham.

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